
This database is divided into directories by researcher. Directories for each researcher are complete collections that may include raw data or backups and outdated versions. Files of importance are detailed below with searchable terms. File paths are also included.  

  1. Hemeon 

> Hemeon > ARCTICA 

Artica_MasterData.xlsx – multi-tab workbook containing master data files for the following:  

  • Site_Depths_Dates – site information for 2015 and 2017 sampling events 
  • 2015 – age at length data for Georges Bank, Long Island, Nantucket (SNE), New Jersey 
  • Mahogany_GrowthInc – growth increment data in mm for Georges Bank and Long Island 2017  
  • Mahogany_CorrectedAges – age at length data for Mahogany quahogs at Georges Bank and Long Island 2017 
  • 2017_GB_AgeLength_Updated – sex, age, length (mm), birth year, death year and shell ID number 
  • 2017_GB_AgeLength_Original – 2017_GB_AgeLength_Updated in a past state; not to be used 
  • 2017_LI_AgeLength_Original – 2017 sex, age, valve, length (mm) 
  • LI_LenFreqBySex – length (mm), sex (F or M), total collected (sum of F and M) 
  • GB_LenFreqBySex – length (mm), sex (F or M), total collected (sum of F and M), proportion F or M 
  • C14_LI_GB – Data from Long Island and Georges Bank including c14 age data 
  • O18 – Suggested samples selected for Nina Whitney 


> Hemeon > ARCTICA > Data > Age Data > 

> Fishery > Hemeon_2017 

> 2018_2019 

> Age Freq 

> 2017GB – Georges Bank 2017 age frequency csv files including female only, male only, and combined files 

> 2017LI – Long Island 2017 age frequency csv files including female only, male only, combined F and M, and population age frequency  

> GB 

> CF – (.jpg and .vsi) images of the umbo and cross section of shell for 2017 Georges Bank female quahog; .ojj files for Error and Hinge 

> CM – (.jpg and .vsi) images of the umbo and cross section of shell 2017 Georges Bank male quahog; .ojj files for Error and Hinge 

> Condition Index – complete records for condition index from 2017 Georges Bank sample 

> Increments – (.xlsx and .csv) files for growth increments of 2017 Georges Bank samples in pixels 

> SF – (.jpg and .vsi) images of the umbo and cross section of shell for 2017 Georges Bank female quahog; .ojj files for Error and Hinge 

> SM – (.jpg and .vsi) images of the umbo and cross section of shell 2017 Georges Bank male quahog; .ojj files for Error and Hinge 

> LI 

> 2017LIFemale – (.jpg) files of shell cross sections, growth edge (.ojj) files for female samples from Long Island in 2017 including multiple student files (Long, Redmond, Hemeon, Poussard) 

> 2017Male – (.jpg) files of shell cross sections, growth edge (.ojj) files for female samples from Long Island in 2017 including multiple student files (Long, Redmond, Hemeon, Poussard) 

> General Data 

> Female – length frequency by sex; this includes (.csv, .txt, and .xlsx) files 

> Male – shell length for males from 2017 Long Island samples 

> Growth_Increments – growth increment files by sex with increments measured in mm and pixels   

> 2020_2021 

> GB – the data found in the Results directory can also be found in Artica_MasterData.xlsx 

> CF – (.jpg and .vsi) images of the umbo and cross section of shell for 2017 Georges Bank female quahog where condition index was obtained; .ojj files for Error and Hinge 

> Results – Summary statistics including .csv files and R files to produce age analysis plots for Georges Bank female quahog where condition index was obtained 

> CM – (.jpg and .vsi) images of the umbo and cross section of shell 2017 Georges Bank male quahog where condition index was obtained; .ojj files for Error and Hinge 

> Results – Summary statistics including .csv files and R files to produce age analysis plots for Georges Bank male quahog where condition index was obtained 

> FF  – (.jpg and .vsi) images of the umbo and cross section of shell for 2017 Georges Bank female quahog where condition index was not obtained; .ojj files for Error and Hinge 

> Results – Summary statistics including .csv files and R files to produce age analysis plots for Georges Bank female quahog where condition index was not obtained 

> MM  – (.jpg and .vsi) images of the umbo and cross section of shell 2017 Georges Bank male quahog where condition index was not obtained; .ojj files for Error and Hinge 

> Results – Summary statistics including .csv files and R files to produce age analysis plots for Georges Bank female quahog where condition index was obtained 


> LI – the data found in the Results directory can also be found in Artica_MasterData.xlsx 

> Age Sample – (.ojj and .jpg) images of cross section of shell for 2017 Long Island for male and female quahog 

> Error analysis – files used for reader error analysis 

> Images – all image files including (.jpg, .vsi, and .ojj) of growth edge, cross sections of shell, and aligned images divided by sex 

> Fishery > Pace_2015 – a selection of data put together for Hemeon by Pace that came from Pace’s SK award. This file contains age length and age frequency data for Georges Bank, Long Island, New Jersey, and Southern New England in .csv files along with R code and plots. This is not a compressive collection of Pace data.  

> Sub Fishery > Long_2017OQ_age_length_increment_20210125.xlsx – duplicative and past version of  

data of the file in Mann directory 


  1.  LeClaire  

> Archival – Files found on external hard drives, including some back up versions, hinge images included 

> 20201004_arctica_hinge_images – .jpg images of hinge sections; no markers images only  

> arctica_aging  

> AL_arctica_C14_2 – .jpg images of hinge sections for round 2 growth increments and .ojj files 

> AL_arctica_C14_3 – .jpg images of hinge sections for round 2 growth increments and .ojj files 

> AL_arctica_C14_4 – .jpg images of hinge sections for round 2 growth increments and .ojj files 

> AL_arctica_C14_st.8 – .jpg images of hinge sections for Station 8 and .ojj files 

> netcdf_gb.zip – ROMS data for bottom temperatures 

> netcdf_li.zip – ROMS data for bottom temperatures 

> LeClaire_C14_round_6_jpegs_only – jpeg images for round 6 only; no dots for aging 

> round 2 growth increments.csv – Growth increment data in pixels  

> round 3 growth increments.csv – Growth increment data in pixels 

> round 4 growth increments.csv – Growth increment data in pixels 

> 800s growth increments.csv – Growth increment data in pixels 

> C14_master_arctica_datasheet.xlsx – All rounds of data used for publications including shell ID #,  

location, C14 sample number, climate event for birth year, age data comparisons between LeClaire and  

Pace, death year, shell length in (mm), and exterior shell descriptions 


  1.  Mann 

> M_Chase_Long_Thesis_Master_Data_Sheet_20220901.xlsx – master data file including growth increments in um (microns) and (mm), length, height, age, sex, maturity for samples from Georges Bank in 2017 

> Georges Bank 

> Mahoganies – (.jpg and .vsi) images used for aging sorted by sex 

> Long Island 

> Mahoganies – (.jpg and .vsi) images used for aging sorted by sex  

  1. Pace 

> OQ Archive Pics 2015 

> Archive.xlsx – collection of age and length data for Georges Bank, Long Island, Southern New England, and New Jersey including specimen ID number, collection year, and valve used for aging 

> GB – .ojj and .jpg files divided into 4 mm length bins 

> LI – .ojj and .jpg files divided into 4 mm length bins 

> NJ – .ojj and .jpg files divided into 4 mm length bins 

> SNE – .ojj and .jpg files divided into 4 mm length bins 

> SaraBackup2 

> Sampling protocols – collection of protocols used for collecting and processing data including  

field sampling, image stitching and annotation, and reading error estimation 

> Arctica photo files – archival photos for the Southern New England site only 

> Arctica data sheets – raw age at length data for Southern New England and Georges Bank. This directory includes R files, Aging protocols, and DeltaGraph plotting files 

> Age-length all sites.docx.gz – document formatting data 

> Age-frequency plots all sites.xlsx.gz – document formatting data 

> Age at length plots all sites.xlsx.gz – document formatting data 

> 80vsage.pdf.gz – birth year at age plots 


  1. Sower 

> NJ Data_MasterFile.xlsx – Personal notes for each shell (if the shell would be used, etc.) 

> NJ1_Females.xlsx – growth increments (mm) and birth year for NJ1 sample females 

> NJ1_Males.xlsx – growth increments (mm) and birth year for NJ1 sample males 

> NJ2_Females.xlsx – growth increments (mm) and birth year for NJ2 sample females 

> NJ2_Males.xlsx – growth increments (mm) and birth year for NJ2 sample males 

> NJ1 – This is the file that contains things used for publication 

> New Jersey Aging Notes.xlsx – notes regarding shells that were or were not used in publications 

> NJ1 Females.ojj – Finals used in Image J for any publications 

> NJ1 Males.ojj – Finals used in Image J for any publications 

> NJ1_ShellData.xlsx – This is the data that goes with the .ojj files; official master data used for publications 

> Ocean Quahogs Big Bob 2019 – used for population frequencies but data already included in NJ1 files 

> Ocean Quahog 2019 Big Bob Females.xlsx – contain length/width data collected from VIMS 

> Ocean Quahog 2019 Big Bob Males.xlsx – contain length/width data collected from VIMS 

> NJ2 > John N Females.ojj – Finals used in Image J for any publications 

> John N Males Re-Age.ojj – Finals used in Image J for any publications 

> NJ2_ShellData.xlsx – This is the data that goes with the .ojj files; official master data used for publications