General Research
Wind Energy Development Team Supporting Fisheries
As offshore wind farms continue to expand, they will increasingly interact with critical fish species and ocean habitats. Understanding these interactions and assessing their impacts is essential to future coexistence between offshore wind and fisheries. The project, by Dr. Eric Powell (University of Southern Mississippi), assembled a wind energy team with diverse areas of expertise to advise SCEMFIS members on potential environmental impacts for offshore wind development.
New Study: Little Known on how Wind Farms Affect Critical MidAtlantic Ocean Feature

Stock Assessment Team Appointments
SCEMFIS is proud to announce the following researchers have been appointed to various stock assessment teams:
Finfish Stock Assessment Team: Jean-Jacques Maguire, Dr. Steve Cadrin, Dr. Robert Leaf, and Dr. Olaf Jensen. The SCeMFiS scup assessment team identified priority issues for the advancement of the scup assessment, reviewed draft working papers, provided data analyses, submitted working papers, participated in the Southern Demersal Working Group, reviewed the working group report, and participated in the Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC)
- Scup Stock Assessment Team Report
- Characterization of the Atlantic Chub Mackerel fishery and stock – (2020 update)
Shellfish Stock Assessment Team: Dr. Eric Powell, Dr. Roger Mann, and Dr. Daphne Munroe. The SCEMFIS Shellfish Stock Assessment Team will participate in ocean quahog and surfclam benchmark assessments of the NEFSC.
Marine Mammal Assessment Team: Dr. Paula Moreno, Dr. Andre Punt, Dr. Randall Reeves, Dr. John Brandon. Duties of the team are to 1) review MM Stock Assessment and other technical reports, scientific publications, and administrative or regulatory documents pertaining to MM assessment and management; and 2) attend meetings of the Atlantic Scientific Review Group (SRG) that reviews stock assessments and Take Reduction (TR) Teams that develop and monitor TR Plans/Strategies, and participate in other relevant scientific meetings where MM stock assessment information is presented and discussed. – Phase II Report