Why Join Us?
We provide academic support to fish and shellfish industries
The SCEMFIS science program is Industry Partner driven, operates under Industry Partner oversight, provides science products directly to Industry Partners, and distributes products to support Industry Partners’ needs. SCEMFIS is supported by the National Science Foundation as well as Industry Membership fees.
How can we help you?
All IAB members have common ownership of the entire I/UCRC research portfolio; however, individual firms can provide additional support for specific enhancement projects. The partnership is given greater depth through the direct involvement of industry representatives in research projects. Each project in the Center has a principal researcher (typically the project’s research professor) and in many cases also has a monitor from industry. The principal researcher maintains close oversight of the progress of the research and briefs the industrial monitor on a regular basis. The monitor can, and often does, have direct input into the direction of the research.

Financial Benefits
Leveraging of affiliate investment. Tiered industry partner financial support, National Science Foundation commitment, and leveraging additional NSF support. Company savings: Lower risks, accelerate competitive R&D and internal cost avoidance.

Coordinated analysis of assessment needs from a pool of world class experts with response to regulatory needs. Routine access to wide range of scientific expertise.

NSF Support
NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers enables industrially-relevant, pre-competitive research via a multi-member, sustained partnerships among industry, academe, and government.

NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers enables industrially-relevant, pre-competitive research via a multi-member, sustained partnerships among industry, academe, and government.

Consortium Needs
Research conducted at each center is vetted by an industry advisory board (IAB) that ensures through the voting process that it aligns with the emerging needs of the consortium as compared to one individual company.

Company savings: Lower risks, accelerate competitive R&D and internal cost avoidance. Early and continual access to the discovery and innovation process as well as its results. 90% of membership fees go toward research.
Who we've worked with