Finfish Publications
Papers, Reports & Products
- Bellin, G. and R. Mann. 2023. Sea Water Temperature and Cod Spawning – The creation of a suitability index, Final Report
- Bellin, G. and R. Mann (2022) Effect of Ocean Warming Temperatures on Cod Spawning (Fall 2022) – Garrett Bellin and Roger Mann – Storymap Presentation
- Bi, R. and O. Jensen 2024. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: In Support of the Exempted Fishing Permit Application for an Atlantic Thread Herring Purse Seine Fishery; from Lund’s Fisheries, Inc. and Axelsson Seiner, Inc., Cape May, NJ – see related webinar presentation link below
- Bi R., R. Mann, K. E. Mills, V. Saba, J. Wiedenmann, O. P. Jensen. 2023. Empirical estimates of inter-assessment uncertainty for marine fish and invertebrate stocks. Fish and Fisheries.
- Boutte, Faith. 2024. Characterization of Prey Selectivity of Spotted Seatrout in South Central Louisiana via Molecular Gut Content Analysis, Nicholls State University Honors Thesis
- Butterworth, D., Hilborn, R., and S. Cadrin. 2023. Technical Reviews of Multispecies Predator-Prey Model for the Gulf of Mexico – July 31, 2023
- Cadrin S. 2020. Defining spatial structure for fishery stock assessment. Fisheries Research 221 – January 2020
- Cadrin, S. 2020. Review of Atlantic Menhaden Ecological Reference Points, Science Center for Marine Fisheries, July 27, 2020.
- Cadrin, S. 2020. Providing for Forage of Atlantic Menhaden, Science Center for Marine Fisheries, July 13, 2020.
- Cadrin, S. 2020. Review of SEDAR69 Atlantic Menhaden Stock Assessment and Ecological Reference Points, Science Center for Marine Fisheries (SCEMFIS), February 2020.
- Cadrin, S., Leaf, R.T., and O. Jensen, 2016. Contributions to the SAW2 Black Sea Bass Stock Assessment SCeMFiS Working Group Report. December 14, 2016.
- Cadrin, S. 2019 Summer Flounder 2019 Benchmark Stock Assessment (66th Stock Assessment Workshop), Science Center for Marine Fisheries (SCEMFIS)
- Cadrin, S. & J.J. Maguire. 2018. Atlantic Herring 2018 Benchmark Stock Assessment (65th Stock Assessment Workshop), Science Center for Marine Fisheries (SCEMFIS)
- Cadrin, S. 2016. Draft Monkfish Operational Assessment and Review Notes – A draft of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center 2016 Monkfish Operational Assessment as well as Dr. Cadrin’s review notes
- Calhoun, W.R. & A. Scheld. 2024. Vulnerability of Seafood Capital in the US Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, Final SCEMFIS Report
- Chee, C., Leaf, R.T., and K. S. Dillon. 2024. Combining biotracer and stomach contents analysis to understand trophic dynamics in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Ecological Informatics 82 (2024) 102746
- Cohn, Olivia (2024) Bivalve molluscs as recorders of ocean bottom water temperature: the role of juvenile ocean quahogs (Arctica islandica) in the mid-Atlantic. Honors Thesis, William & Mary.
- Daley, T. and R.T. Leaf. 2019. Age and growth of Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias) in the Northwest Atlantic. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci., Vol. 50: 1-12
- Free, C., Jensen, O.P., and R. Hillborn, 2021. Evaluating Impacts of Forage Fish Abundance on Predators, Conservation Biology, 10.1111/Cobi 13709
- Free, et al. 2020. Precautionary catch limits on forage fish would rarely advance marine predator conservation
- Gaudet, Emily. 2024. DNA Gut Analysis of Spotted Seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, in Coastal Regions of Louisiana with an 18s Primer, Nicholls State University Honors Thesis.
- Hilborn, R., Amoroso, R., Bogazzi, E., Jensen, O.P., Parma, A., Szuwalski, C., and C.J. Walters. 2017. When does fishing forage species affect their predators? Fisheries Research. 191 (2017) 211–2
- Leaf and Butterworth 2024. Gulf Menhaden Reference Point and Sustainability Certification
- Leaf, R. and R. Riedel. 2022. Leveraging machine learning and catch commercial catch data for development of a discard bycatch mitigation plan in the Scup Fishery, October 10, 2022
- Leaf, R.T. 2020. Characterization of the Atlantic Chub Mackerel fishery and stock – (2020 update)
- Leaf, R. T. 2017. Environmental determinants of Gulf Menhaden brevoortia patronus oil content in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Ecological Indicators 82 (2017) 551–557
- Liang, D., Nesslage, G.M., and M.J. Wilberg. 2020. A spatial simulation approach to hydroacoustic survey design: A case study for Atlantic menhaden, Fisheries Research, Volume 222, (2020) 105402, ISSN 0165-7836,
- Maguire, J.J. 2018. Final Report: Finfish Stock Assessment Team – Atlantic Mackerel, May 2018.
- Mann, R. and B. Phillips. 2023. Impacts of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) on Benthos – Report to the IAB.
- Miles, et al. 2021. Offshore Wind Energy and the Mid-Atlantic Cold Pool: A Review of Potential Interactions, Marine Technology Society Journal, 55(4): 72-87.
- Moreno, et al. 2020. Estimates of Human-Caused Removals of Gray Seals in the Northeast U.S. Atlantic and Adjacent Canadian Waters: Preliminary Implications for PBR-Based Management
- Morson, J., Munroe, D., Harner, R., Marshall, R. 2017. Evaluating the potential for a sex-balanced harvest approach in the recreational Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) fishery. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37(6): 1231-1242.
- Munroe, D.M., D.A. Narvaez, D. Hennen, L. Jacobson, R. Mann, E.E. Hofmann, E.N. Powell, J.M. Klinck. 2016. Fishing and bottom water temperature as drivers of change in maximum shell length in Atlantic surfclams (Spisula solidissima). Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science. 178
- Murray, T.J. 2022. Gulf of Mexico Menhaden Economic Impact and Management Uncertainty.
- Murray, T.J. 2020. Economic Impacts of Reduced Uncertainty Associated with Fishery Management Actions with Summer Flounder
- Murray, T.J. 2016. Economic Activity Associated with SCEMFIS Supported Fishery Products and Scup markup tables
- Nesslage, G.M. 2024. Enhancing sustainable development of the winter bait fishery for Atlantic menhaden through the use of industry acoustics. NOAA Final Report.
- Nesslage, G.M, Schueller, A.M, Rezek, A.R., and R.M. Mroch, III. 2022. Influence of sample size and number of age classes on characterization of ageing error in paired-age comparisons. Fisheries Research.
- Nesslage, G.M., Leaf, R.T., Wilberg, M.J., Mroch, R.M., III and A.M. Schueller, 2020. A Simulation‐Based Evaluation of Commercial Port Sampling Programs for the Gulf and Atlantic Menhaden Fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
- Nesslage, G.M. and R.T. Leaf. 2019. An evaluation of sampling adequacy for Atlantic Menhaden fisheries, June 13, 2019, Technical Report TS-725-19 of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
- Nesslage, G. 2018. Design of a cooperative winter survey for Atlantic menhaden. Draft for SCeMFiS Review: April 20, 2018, Revised after review: September 19, 2018Punt, et al (2021) – Performance metrics for alternative management strategies for gray seal-commercial fishery interactions in the Northwest Atlantic
- Riedel, R. and Leaf, R. 2023. Analysis of bycatch patterns in the northeastern USA finfish trawl fisheries. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci., 54: 31–48.
- Thomas, S. 2024. Molecular characterization of the gut contents of Speckled trout in the Pontchartrain and Barataria River Basins Louisiana. Honors Thesis, Nicholls State University.
- Whittaker, Justine. 2025. Metabarcoding the gut contents of predatory fish in coastal Louisiana – Final Report to the IAB. and Supplementary Table
Posters and Press
- Study Confirms Summer Flounder Fishery Vital for Mid-Atlantic Fishing Communities; $259 Million in Economic Impacts – Saving Seafood, August 2020
- Preliminary research opportunities for a NJ high school teacher to answer questions and fill in a data gap – Jeff Martin
- Does predator productivity depend on forage fish productivity? – Chris Free, Olaf Jensen, and Ray Hilborn
- Age composition of male and female summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus in the New Jersey recreational fishery – Seung Whan Lee, Daphne Munroe, and Jason Morson
- Evaluating the potential for a sex-balanced harvest approach in the recreational summer flounder Paralicthys dentatus fishery – Jason Morson, Daphne Munroe, Ryan Harner, and Rachel Marshall
- Seasonal variation of dry energy density of Gulf Mendaden and blue crab from the Gulf of Mexico – Anna M. Swigris, Alaina Woods, Robert T. Leaf, Megumi Oshima, and Taylor Daley
- A Simulation Model to Evaluate the Efficiencg of Adaptive Cluster Sampling – Jesse Marks and Robert Leaf
- Construction of a black sea bass fishery independent sampling design using a simulation model and survey data – Robert Leaf
- Bi, R. and O. Jensen (2024)
- Webinar Recording: Understanding Climate Impacts on Stock Assessments in the U.S.
- Project Page: Identifying Climate-vulnerable Stock Assessments
- Current Publication: How consistent is the advice from stock assessments? Empirical estimates of inter-assessment bias and uncertainty for marine fish and invertebrate stocks
- Harner, R., Munroe, D., Morson, J., Marshall, R., and S. Borsetti. (2017). Sex Ratios of Summer Flounder Discards in the Recreational Fishery. MidAtlantic Chapter meeting of American Fishery Society. Bordentown, New Jersey
- Morson J., Murnoe, D., and Harner, R.: (2017). Sex Ratios of Summer Flounder Discards in the Recreational Fishery. Southern New England Chapter meeting of American Fishery Society. Mystic Connecticut.
- Oshima, M.C., T.M. Daley, and R.T. Leaf. (2016). An examination of trophic interactions in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Past work, present understanding, and future challenges. Alabama-Mississippi Sea Grant Consortium Bays & Bayous Conference. Biloxi, Mississippi.
- Oshima, M.C., and R.T. Leaf. (2017). An examination of trophic interactions in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Past work, present understanding, and future challenges. Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Biloxi, Mississippi.
- Sullivan, P (2015). Does Sex Matter to Models? A Retrospective Perspective. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon
- Sullivan, P. (2015). Summer Flounder Age, Length, Sex Model. Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council Scientific and Statistical Committee. Annapolis, Maryland.
- Sullivan, P. (2015). Summer Flounder Age, Length, Sex Model. Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.