Shellfish Publications

Papers, Reports, and Products

Abbaspourad, Aliriza et al. (2022), Calcium Carbonate Project – Cornell University

Abbaspourrad, A and M. Enyati (2020) – Developing process and procedures for the refinement of surfclam and ocean quahog shells into calcium carbonate (CaCO)

Bi R., R. Mann, K. E. Mills, V. Saba, J. Wiedenmann, O. P. Jensen (2023).  Empirical estimates of inter-assessment uncertainty for marine fish and invertebrate stocks. Fish and Fisheries.

Bellin, G. and R. Mann (2023) – GIS Clam Distribution Storymap – ArcGIS Storymap product – and Supporting Documentation: Clam Resources Final Report by Christina Sabochick,  Distribution Document, Process Document

Biston Vaz, D., R. Mann, and J. Gartland (2022) Squid Age Estimation Using CAT Scan Technology – Result of proof of concept project. IAB Storymap Report

Borsetti, D.M. Munroe, and A.M. Scheld (2024). Hatchery capacity needed to support large-scale Atlantic surfclam fishery enhancement. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries. Wiley Online Library.

Calhoun, W.R. & A. Scheld (2024) Vulnerability of Seafood Capital in the US Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, Final SCEMFIS Report

Dameron-Kubiak Dredge I & II – DK Dredge Slide Presentation | NOAA Selectivity Dredge (Dameron-Kubiak Dredge)

Farrell & Norton Naval Architects, Dredge Architectural Drawings:

Feng, Y., F.H. Gonçalves, J. van Senten, and R. Lane (2025). Investigation of Sorting Technologies for Surf Clams and Ocean Quahogs – Final Report to the IAB and Partial Budget Tool

Gilsinan, C.B., S. Borsetti, D.M. Munroe, and A.M. Scheld (2024). Hatchery capacity needed to support large-scale Atlantic surfclam fishery enhancement. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries. Wiley Online Library.

He, Y., Y. Dadmohammadi, and A. Abbaspourrad (2022). Developing process and procedures for the refinement of surf clam and ocean quahog shells into calcium carbonate (CaCO3): Phases II, Final Report

Hemeon, K.M.  E.N. Powell, J.M. Klinck, R. Mann, S.M. Pace. (2023).  Regional growth rates and growth synchronicity between two populations of Arctica islandica in the western Mid-Atlantic (US). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 291 (2023) 108412

Hemeon, K.M.  E.N. Powell, S.M. Pace, T.E. Redmond, and R. Mann. (2021). Population dynamics of Arctica islandica at Georges Bank (USA): an analysis of sex-based demographics.  Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom , First View, pp. 1 – 16 DOI:

Hemeon, K.M.  E.N. Powell, E. Robillard, S.M. Pace, T.E. Redmond, and R. Mann. (2021). Attainability of Accurate Age Frequencies for Ocean Quahogs (Arctica islandica) Using Large Datasets: Protocol, Reader Precision, and Error Assessment, J. of Shellfish Research, 40(2):255-267.

Hemeon, K., K. Ashton-Alcox, E.N. Powell, S. Pace, L. Poussard, L. Solinger, and T. Soniat. (2020). Novel Shell Stock-Recruitment Models for Crassostrea virginica as a Function of Regional Shell Effective Surface Area, A Missing Link for Sustainable Management. Journal of Shellfish Research, 39(3), 633-654.
Available at:

Hofmann, E.E., E.N. Powell, J.M. Klinck, D.M. Munroe, R. Mann, D.B. Haidvogel, D.A. NarvÁEz, X. Zhang, K.M. Kuykendall. (2018). An overview of factors affecting distribution of the Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima), a continental shelf biomass dominant, during a period of climate change. J. Shellfish Res. 37:821-831

Hollander, A. (2022). A Retrospective Analysis of Atlantic Surfclam Growth and Distribution in the Context of a Changing Ocean. Master’s Thesis, Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

Jacobson L., and D. Hennen, (2019). Improving the NEFSC clam survey for Atlantic surfclams and ocean quahogs. US Dept Commerce, Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 19-06;  89 p.

Klink, J.M., E.N. Powell, K.M. Hemeon, J.R. Sower and D.R. Hennen (2023). A Growth Model for Arctica Islandica: The Performance of Tanaka and the Temptation of Von Bertalanffy – Can the Two Coexist? Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 42, No. 1, 77–90, 2023. DOI: 10.2983/035.042.0108Klink, J.M., E.N. Powell, K.M. Hemeon, J.R. Sower and D.R. Hennen (2023). A Growth Model for Arctica Islandica: The Performance of Tanaka and the Temptation of Von Bertalanffy – Can the Two Coexist? Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 42, No. 1, 77–90, 2023. DOI: 10.2983/035.042.0108

Kuykendall, K.M., P. Moreno, E.N. Powell, T.M. Soniat, S. Colley, R. Mann, D.M. Munroe. (2015). The exposed surface area to volume ratio: Is shell more efficient than limestone in promoting oyster recruitment?  J. Shellfish Research. 34(2):217-225. DOI:

Kuykendall, Kelsey, Eric N. Powell, John M. Klinck, Paula T. Moreno, Robert T. Leaf. (2019). The effect of abundance changes on a management strategy evaluation for the Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima) using a spatially explicit, vessel based fisheries model. Ocean and Coastal Management 169 (2019) 68–85

LeClaire A.M, E. N. Powell, R. Mann, K. M. Hemeon, S. M. Pace, V. Saba, H. du Pontavice, J. R. Sower. (2023). Temporal and Spatial Comparisons of Ocean Quahog (Arctica islandica) growth on the Mid Atlantic Continental Shelf: From the Neoglacial through the Twentieth Century. Continental Shelf Research.

LeClaire, A.M., E.N. Powell, R. Mann, T. Redmond. (2023). Taphonomic indicators of dead ocean quahog (Arctica islandica) shell age in the death assemblage of the Mid-Atlantic Bight continental shelf. Palaios 38:305-324

LeClaire, A.M. (2022). Investigation of Dead Ocean Quahogs (Arctica islandica) Shells on the Mid-Atlantic Bight Continental Shelf, Master’s Thesis, University of Southern Mississippi.

LeClaire, A.M., Powell, E.N., Mann, R., Hemeon, K.M., Pace, S.M., Sower, J.R. and T.E. Redmond (2022). Historical biogeographic range shifts and the influence of climate change on ocean quahogs (Arctica islandica) on the Mid-Atlantic Bight. The Holocene. 1-13.

Mann, R. and B. Phillips (2023) – Impacts of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) on Benthos. Report to the IAB

Miles, et al (2021) – Offshore Wind Energy and the Mid-Atlantic Cold Pool: A Review of Potential Interactions, Marine Technology Society Journal, 55(4): 72-87.

Moya, Autumn. (2024). Potential Future Impacts (2016–2055) of Offshore Wind Energy Development on the Atlantic Surfclam, Spisula solidissima, Fishery in the US Mid-Atlantic Bight Continental Shelf, Fisheries Oceanography, 2024;0:e12720,

Munroe, D. (2021) Efficacy of a Novel Dredge Manifold and Varying Hose Sizes – New Manifold Design (Architectural Drawings)

Munroe, D., X. Guo, and B. Wisner, (2022). Genetics, age demographics, and shell size of Atlantic surfclams from the southern edge of their range. (Revised after comment)

Munroe, D.M., D.A. Narvaez, D. Hennen, L. Jacobson, R. Mann, E.E. Hofmann, E.N. Powell, J.M. Klinck. (2016). Fishing and bottom water temperature as drivers of change in maximum shell length in Atlantic surfclams (Spisula solidissima). Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science. 178

Murray, Thomas. (2016). Economic Activity Associated with SCeMFiS Supported Fisheries Products (Ocean Quahog & Atlantic Surfclams).

Nesslage, G.M, A.M. Schueller, A.R. Rezek, and R.M. Mroch, III. (2022). Influence of sample size and number of age classes on characterization of ageing error in paired-age comparisons. Fisheries Research.

NarvÁEz, D., D.M. Munroe, E.E. Hofmann, J.N. Klinck, E.N. Powell, R. Mann,. & E. Curchitser. (2014). Long-term dynamics in Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima) populations: The role of bottom water temperature. Journal of Marine Systems. 141. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.08.007.

Pace, S.M., E.N. Powell, R. Mann, and M.C. Long. (2017) Comparison of Age-Frequency Distributions for Ocean Quahogs (Arctica islandica) in the Western Atlantic U.S. Continental Shelf. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Vol. 585: 81–98, 2017

Pace, S.M., E.N. Powell, R. Mann, M.C. Long, and J.M. Klinck. (2017). Development of an Age-Frequency Distribution for Ocean Quahogs (Arctica islandica) on Georges Bank. J. Shellfish Res. 36: 41-53.

Poussard, et al (2021). Discriminating between high- and low-quality field depletion experiments through simulation analysis

Poussard, et al (2021). Discriminating between high- and low-quality field depletion experiments using forensic evidence.

Poussard, et al (2021). Efficiency estimates from depletion experiments for sedentary invertebrates: evaluation of sources of uncertainty in experimental design 

Poussard, L. (2020). An Analysis of Dredge Efficiency for Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Commercial Dredges. University of Southern Mississippi.

Poussard, L.M., E.N. Powell, and D.R. Hennen. (2021). Efficiency estimates from depletion experiments for sedentary invertebrates: evaluation of sources of uncertainty in experimental design

Powell, E.N. and R.L. Mann. (2021). Post Cruise Report: Pursuit Cruise – Report to the Science Center for Marine Fisheries Science (SCEMFIS) Industry Advisory Board Members.

Powell, E.N. R.L. Mann, M.C. Long, J.R. Timbs, and K.M. Kuykendall (2021). The conundrum of biont-free substrates on a high-energy continental shelf: Burial and scour on Nantucket Shoals, Great South Channel, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 249,107089Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 249 (2021) 10708

Powell, E.N., A.M. Ewing, and K.M. Kuykendall. (2020). Ocean quahogs (Arctica islandica) and Atlantic surfclams (Spisula solidissima) on the Mid-Atlantic Bight continental shelf and Georges Bank: the death assemblage as a recorder of climate change and the reorganization of the continental shelf benthos. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 537: #109205, 16 pp.

Powell, E.N., J.M. Trumble, R.L. Mann, M.C. Long, S.M. Pace, J.R. Timbs, and K.M. Kuykendall. (2020). Growth and longevity in surfclams east of Nantucket: Range expansion in response to the post-2000 warming of the North Atlantic, Continental Shelf Research. 195 (2020): 104059

Powell, E.N. and R. Mann (2018) – Design of a dredge for collection of juvenile surfclams and ocean quahogs 

Powell, E.N., R. Mann, K.A. Ashton-Alcox, K.M. Kuykendall, and M.C. Long. (2017). Can we estimate molluscan abundance and biomass on the continental shelf? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 198: 213-224

Powell, E.N., K.M. Kuykendall, and P. Moreno. (2017). The death assemblage as a marker for habitat and an indicator of climate change: Georges Bank, surfclams and ocean quahogsContinental Shelf Research, 142 (2017): 14-3

Powell, E.N. and R. Mann. (2016). How well do we know the infaunal biomass of the continental shelf? Continental Shelf Research. 115: 27

Powell, E.N., J.M. Klinck, D.M. Munroe, E.E. Hofmann, P. Moreno and R. Mann. (2015). The value of captains’ behavioral choices in the success of the surfclam (Spisula solidissima) fishery on the U.S. Mid-Atlantic coast: a model evaluation. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science. 47:1-27.

Powell, E.N., J.M. Klinck, E.E. Hofmann, P. Moreno, K.M. Kuykendall, D.M.Munroe, and R. Mann. (2016). Captains’ response to a declining stock as anticipated in the surfclam (Spisula solidissima) fishery on the U.S. Mid-Atlantic coast by model evaluation, Ocean & Coastal Management, 134, pp. 52-68.

Powell, E.N. and R. Mann. (2018). Growth and Longevity in Surfclams East of Nantucket

Powell, E.N. (2018). Further Evaluations of the Relationship of Cobbles and Rocks to Surfclams

Powell, E.N., K.M. Kuykendall, and P. Moreno (2016). An Analysis of ancillary survey data and surfclam fishery tow data for the Georges Shoals Habitat Management Area on Georges Bank and the Great South Channel Habitat Management Area

Scheld, A., J. Beckensteiner, D. Munroe, E.N. Powell, S. Borsetti, E. E. Hofmann, and J.M. Klinck . (2022). The Atlantic surfclam fishery and offshore wind energy development: 2. Assessing economic impacts, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2022, 0, 1-14 DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsac109

Sabochick, C. (2023) Clam resource distribution: A GIS summary and VIMS Clams Process Document

Scheld, A., C. Gilsinan, S. Borsetti,, and D. Munroe. (2022). What hatchery capacity would be needed to support surfclam fishery mitigation via seeding fishing grounds? VIMS/Rutgers University Report, July 5, 2022.

Scheld, A. (2020). Economic Impacts Associated with the Commercial Fishery for Longfin Squid (Doryteuthis pealeii) in the Northeast U.S., Virginia Institute of Marine Science. March 2020.

Solinger, L., Hennen, D., Cadrin, S, and E. Powell. 2022. How Uncertainty in Natural Mortality and Steepness May Affect Perception of Stock Status and Fishery Sustainability in Atlantic Surfclam: A Simulation Analysis. Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 41, No. 3, 323-334.

Sower, J.R., E.N. Powell,  K.M. Hemeon, R. Mann, and S. Pace (2023) Ocean quahog (Arctica islandica) growth rate analyses of four populations from the Mid-Atlantic Bight and Georges Bank. Continental Shelf Research 265, 105076.

Sower, J.R., E.N. Powell,  R. Mann, K.M. Hemeon, S. Pace, and T. E. Redmond. (2023). Examination of spatial heterogeneity in population age frequency and recruitment in the ocean quahog (Arctica islandica Linnaeus 1767). Marine Biology 170:38.

Sower, J.R., E. Robillard, E.N. Powell, K.M. Hemeon, and R. Mann (2022) Defining Patterns in Ocean Quahog (Arctica islandica) Sexual Dimorphism Along the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol 41, No. 3, 335-348. URL:

Spencer, Molly (2024). Projected Range Shift of the Atlantic Surfclam, Spisula solidissima, and the Ocean Auahog, Arctica islandica, Under Climate-Induced Warming: Forecasting Fishery Influence in the Mid-Atlantic Bight Throughout the 21st Century. Master’s Thesis, University of Southern Mississippi.

Stromp, S.L., E.N. Powell, R. Mann (2023).Evaluation of the Degree of Co-Occurrence of Atlantic Surfclams (Spisula solidissima) and Ocean Quahogs (Arctica islandica) in the Expanding Northwestern Atlantic Boreal/Temperate Ecotone: Implications for Their Fisheries. J. of Shellfish Research, 42(1):61-75 (2023).

Stromp S.L., A. M. Scheld, J. M. Klinck, D. M. Munroe, E. N. Powell, R. Mann, S. Borsetti, E. E. Hofmann (2023). Interactive effects of climate change-induced range shifts and wind energy development on future economic conditions of the Atlantic surfclam fishery. Marine and Coastal Fisheries.

Timbs, J., E.N. Powell, and R. Mann (2018). Assessment of the Relationship of Stock and Recruitment in the Atlantic Surfclam Spisula solidissima in the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean. J. of Shellfish Research, 37(5):965-979

Wisner, B., Wang, Z., Sheehan, A. et al. Genetics, Age Demographics, and Shell Size of Atlantic Surfclams from the Southern Edge of Their Range. Estuaries and Coasts 47, 485–493 (2024).

Pursuit Clam Cruise (2021): Postcruise Report, Appendices: Compare ClamOverlap

Uncovering the Life Cycle of the Ocean Quahog Can Balance Economic and Ecologic Goals – June (2020) NSF Center Achievements

61st Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (61st SAW) Assessment Report (2016). (NEFSC access to sections)



  • Dameron-Kubiak Dredge Powerpoint Presentation
  • Kuykendall, K., Powell, E.N., Mann, R., and P. Moreno. (2016). Identifying the historical footprint of the surfclam Spisula solidissima and habitat relationships from a long-term dataset of death assemblage and sedimentology. American Fisheries Society 146 Annual Meeting. Kansas City, Missouri
  • Kuykendall, K., E.N. Powell, J. Klinck, R.T. Leaf, and P. Moreno. (2015). Management strategy evaluation for the Atlantic surfclam Spisula solidissima using a fisheries economics model. American Fisheries Society 145th annual meeting. Portland, Oregon
  • Mann, R. (2014). SCeMFiS, a new cooperative research effort. Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. Providence, Rhode Island.
  • Mann, R. D. Munroe, K. Kuykendall and E. N. Powell. (2014). A simple method for correction of breakages losses in clam surveys. Jacksonville, Florida
  • Pace, S., E.N. Powell, and R. Mann. (2016). Population age frequencies and evidence of multidecadal recruitment in the ocean quahog. American Fisheries Society 146 Annual Meeting. Kansas City, Missouri.
  • Pace, S.M., E.N. Powell, and R. Mann. (2016). Evidence of multidecadal recruitment in the ocean quahog, Arctica islandica in the western Atlantic Ocean. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). Riga, Latvia
  • Powell, E.N., J. Klinck, E. Hofmann, P. Moreno, K. Kuykendall, D. Munroe, and R. Mann. (2015). Captains’ response to a declining stock as anticipated in the surfclam (Spisula solidissima) fishery. American Fisheries Society 145th annual meeting. Portland, Oregon.
  • Russell, K., Long, M.C., Redmond, T., Mann, R., and Powell, E. (2019). Can we Discern Major Meterologic and Environmental Events in the Growth Record of the Long Lived Clam Arctica islandica. National Shellfisheries Association, New Orleans, Louisiana

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